
  • 02 Jul 2017 3:56 PM | ALHFAM Webmaster (Administrator)

    The Call for Papers for the 2018 Annual Conference in Oklahoma is now available here.

  • 10 Jun 2017 1:22 PM | ALHFAM Webmaster (Administrator)

    Annual Conference attendees and ALHFAM members who are logged on can view the Attendee List and download conference presentations and hand-outs here.

  • 24 Apr 2017 2:04 PM | ALHFAM Webmaster (Administrator)

    The awardees of the 2017 Annual Conference Fellowships have been announced. The full list can be found here. Congratulations to the awardees!

  • 08 Apr 2017 5:06 PM | ALHFAM Webmaster (Administrator)

    ALHFAM Election

    On behalf of the Nominating Committee, here are the 2017 ALHFAM election results:

    Two-Year Vice-President term:
    Susan Reckseidler

    Three-Year Board term:
    Sarah LeCount
    Andi Erbskorn
    Dawn Bondhus Mueller

    Three-Year Nominating Committee term:
    Derrick Birdsall

    Sincere thanks to those elected and to Jim McCabe, Linda Evans, Jonathan Hallman, and Kimberly Costa for standing for election. Their willingness to serve is much appreciated.

    My personal thanks to the Nominating Committee for their good work: Bruce Henbest, Dean Hardman, Kristyn Watts, and Vertie Lee. 

    --Deb Arenz, Chair, ALHFAM Nominating Committee

  • 08 Mar 2017 5:10 PM | ALHFAM Webmaster (Administrator)

    After long and careful consideration and deliberation, your ALHFAM board of directors has unanimously voted to recommend that the office of Secretary/Treasurer be separated into separate offices to be held by two individuals, a Secretary and a Treasurer. This change requires a vote by the membership. Please download the entire notice about the bylaw change here.

  • 27 Feb 2017 3:24 PM | ALHFAM Webmaster (Administrator)

    The 2017 Annual Conference Booklet for the June 9-13, 2017 meeting at Genesee Country Village, Rochester, NY, is available here and registration is open!

    Fellowships for the conference are also-- information is available here.

    Please note that to get the ALHFAM member rate for the conference, you must be logged on to the website. 

  • 07 Feb 2017 6:55 PM | ALHFAM Webmaster (Administrator)

    The FARM PIG is happy to announce that the “Position Statement on the Use of Livestock in Museum Settings 2016” has been approved by ALHFAM’s board and has been added to the FARM page. Additionally, there are two other documents that ALHFAM members may find useful: “Handling Public Concerns on the Use of Livestock in Museum Settings 2016” and “Livestock Care in Museums 2016.”  Visit the FARM PIG page to see all three documents.

  • 15 Dec 2016 11:01 AM | ALHFAM Webmaster (Administrator)

    The New ALHFAM Website & Membership Management System

    In the fall of 2015, ALHFAM began a new chapter in the way we communicate and interact with our membership. The most obvious change is visible through our redesigned and reorganized website. But the really big change will be the way you, as a member, will be able to manage your own membership profile and the way in which ALHFAM will communicate with you about your membership status. With this new system, we will communicate with you increasingly via email: Your membership reminders, renewal invoices, event registrations, etc., will come directly to you as email communications.

    To help members with this change, and to continue to assist you, we have started a seven-month "training" series about the new membership system and the features of the new website. There will be a link in each upcoming eUpdate that will take you to a Membership Management System Information Sheet, each of which will provide you with the information you will need to know in order work with this exciting new membership system. The FAQ sheet will be continually updated as new question arise.

    How To Use the ALHFAM Website & MMS
    Website & MMS FAQs
    Website & MMS Info Sheet #1- Membership Bundles
    Website & MMS Info Sheet #2 - Member Profiles & Membership Directories
    Website & MMS Info Sheet #3 - ALHFAM On-line Forums

  • 13 Dec 2016 7:08 PM | ALHFAM Webmaster (Administrator)

    Sadly, ALHFAM and the greater museum and agricultural communities have lost
    another influential and beloved friend. Darwin Kelsey, a Cooperstown
    graduate and ALHFAM founder (and our second president) passed away on
    Saturday. Among many other accomplishments, Darwin played a key role in
    creating a historical agriculture program at Old Sturbridge Village,
    developing the innovative Lake Farm Park in Ohio, and more recently promoting
    local agriculture by founding the Countryside Conservancy which promotes
    farmers' markets. He will be greatly missed.

    Darwin's obituary can be found here.

  • 26 Oct 2016 12:05 PM | ALHFAM Webmaster (Administrator)

    The Ag Map has been updated and has a new site added. Check it out here:


P.O. Box 308, Arlington, VT. 05250 -

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