Employment Opportunities in the Living History Field

men working with draft animals in a field

Listings on our site are provided as a benefit to ALHFAM members. Available Jobs may be posted for Institutional and Business II & III Members in good standing, free of charge. Positions Sought listings may be placed for any Individual Member in good standing (for themselves), free of charge. If you are not an Institutional Member at present and wish to place an available job listing or not yet an Individual Member and wish to place a Positions Sought listing, please visit our Join Us page.

Job listings can be self-posted or will be posted for you by the webmaster. For information on posting: Jobs Posting Guidelines. Job postings without an end date that are older than 60 days will be removed.

ALHFAM requires that any jobs or paid internships posted to the Job Forums include the level of compensation (annual salary or hourly wage range). Unpaid internships should include that fact in the posting.

By providing a salary range or wage information for your job listing, you help improve the museum field, as well as your own hiring experience. Pay transparency at the outset of the hiring process helps promote equity in the workforce. Demonstrate your commitment to transparency and equity in our field by including wage information.

Members can subscribe to any of the Jobs Forums and receive email notifications when a new job has been posted. Go to the selected forum below and click on the Subscribe to Forum link on the top right.



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Jobs Forum: Full-Time This is a listing of Full-Time Positions. Jobs may be added by Institutional Members, by clicking on Create Topic. You will not see the Create Topic Button unless you are logged in as an active Institutional Member
12 Sep 2024 1:46 PM Anonymous member
Jobs Forum: Internships This is a listing of Internships & Apprentice Opportunities. Jobs may be added by Institutional Members, by clicking on Create a Topic.
Jobs Forum: Part-Time This is a listing of Part-Time & Seasonal Positions. Jobs may be added by Institutional Members, by clicking on Create a Topic.
12 Sep 2024 1:48 PM Anonymous member
Jobs Forum: Positions Sought This is a listing of positions being sought by ALHFAM members. Jobs may be added by Individual Members, by clicking on Create a Topic.
09 Dec 2023 7:07 PM Anonymous member
Jobs Forum: RFPs/Contractural Services This is a listing of Contractual Services needed by Instituional Members. RFPs may be added by Institutional Members, by clicking on Create a Topic.

P.O. Box 308, Arlington, VT. 05250 - info@alhfam.org

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