The CORN Crib - The Regions of ALHFAM

ALHFAMers Partaking in Regional Meeting Activities

ALHFAM is divided into nine regions in the United States and Canada to promote wider participation in ALHFAM activities at a local level. ALHFAM's regional representatives coordinate regional meetings and facilitate communication. The six regions in the US are: New England, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast, Midwest (represented by The Midwest Open-Air Museum Coordinating Council-MOMCC), Mountain/Plains, and West. The three regions in Canada are: Central Canada (Ontario and Quebec), Atlantic Canada (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island) and Western Canada (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Yukon Territory).   The Vice President chairs the Committee On Regional Networking (CORN), which coordinates the regions.

We also have international members across Europe.

CORN Committee News

Upcoming Regional Meetings

Hosting a Regional Conference

Download The Guide to Hosting a Regional Conference (updated January 2019)


P.O. Box 308, Arlington, VT. 05250


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