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Regional meetings and conferences bring the ALHFAMily together for intra-region gatherings and allow for more organizational interaction within a smaller geographical area.
Check the Upcoming listings below to see which conferences are coming up soon in your area, or which place outside your region you would like to visit and attend a meeting.
Regional meetings and conferences bring the ALHFAMily together for intra-region gatherings and allow for more organizational interaction within a smaller geographical area.
Check the Upcoming listings below to see which conferences are coming up soon in your area, or which place outside your region you would like to visit and attend a meeting.
ANNOUNCEMENT: We are sad to report, due to unforeseen financial costs we have made the hard decision to cancel the Fall 2023 Conference at Tiller's International.
Instead, we will hold a virtual Town Hall Gathering to get much needed input from all MOMCC members; and the Annual Business meeting to announce elected officers, by-laws updates, and the Candice Metallic award. Also, Resource Groups will meet for lively discussion on your favorite topics. This will happen on Fri. and Sat. Nov. 10 & 11. Watch for the official schedule and registration.
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