About Us

ALHFAM is incorporated in the State of Maryland as a non-profit tax-exempt (501[c][3])
organization, and is governed by a member-elected Board in accordance with member-approved bylaws.

ALHFAM draws its membership from a broad spectrum of individuals and organizations involved in the collection, preservation or interpretation of material culture, traditional skills and historical processes. Members include volunteers, reenactors, institutional staff and vendors of goods or services. ALHFAM’s original focus on farming and agriculture has expanded to embrace disciplines from architecture to zymurgy and many in between. ALHFAM maintains, and seeks to expand relationships with other museum, historical and interpretive organizations with related interests.

Services provided to members include publications, conferences, specialized instructional programs, electronic media, including a website and listserv, and support for regional affiliates. ALHFAM services assist members in fulfilling their professional responsibilities and improving the quality of their public offerings.

The Mission of ALHFAM

The Association for Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums (ALHFAM) shares practical knowledge and skills among those who make history relevant to contemporary lives. We draw strength from our diverse network of members, sharing experience, research and passion for participatory learning.


P.O. Box 308, Arlington, VT. 05250

 - info@alhfam.org

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