Board of Directors

ALHFAM’s Board of Directors is responsible for managing the organization and for setting its policies and future direction. It includes the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and immediate past president, each of whom serve for two years, and nine board members. These nine board members are elected in groups of three new board members each year, each of whom serve one three-year term.

Regular board meetings are held twice a year: at the annual meeting and again in the late fall at a board member’s site. Board minutes are posted on and published in the Bulletin after they are approved by the board.

ALHFAM Board Members at the 2023 Fall Board Meeting- Howell Farm


President / Jim Lauderdale (Term Expires 2025)

Jim LauderdaleJim is the Fort Nisqually Living History Museum Director and has served on the ALHFAM Board of Directors, as FARM PIG Co-Chair, and STP Committee Liaison. He's also a member of the Historic Fort Steilacoom Board of Directors, was the Nash Farm Manager, Texas Living History Association Vice President and President, and a Barrington Living History Farm Interpreter.

Jim joined ALHFAM and attended his first annual conference in 2012 at Farmer’s Branch Historical Park. He saw first-hand what makes it a great organization: the many knowledgeable and talented members, willing to network and share their skills with others. He has seen ALHFAM grow and become even more accessible in a digital age and he believes in the organization’s mission and feels certain ALHFAM has a role in shaping living history, farm and agricultural museums of the future.

The President is the chair of the Committee on Organizational Partnerships (COOP). 

Vice President / 
Mark Texel (Term Expires 2025)

Mark TexelMark has worked professionally in living history museums/parks since 1988. Currently Administrator for the New Jersey Office of Historic Sites, he directly oversees 50+ state historic sites, 20+ history professionals, and 24 nonprofit partners. He previously served as Director of the NJ State Park Service (including Office of Historic Sites) from 2012 – 2021. Mark holds B.A.’s in American History and American Music, and a Certificate in Historic Preservation. He has portrayed both civilian and military as a member of progressive living history units and leads the NJ Living History Advisory Council.

Active in ALFHAM as an individual and/or institutional member since 1988, he served on the Board of Directors 2003 – 2006; chaired/co-chaired 4 regional meetings (Mtn. Plains & Mid-Atlantic) and served on 2 Annual Meeting and Conference committees in 1995 and 2003.

ALHFAM’s most pressing issue and how they may be addressed:

“A pressing issue facing ALHFAM is expanding its leadership role in living history. Another is attracting new members with diversity in age, gender identification, race, and culture. ALHFAM must champion the complexity of those who ‘peopled’ the lands and preserved cultural resources. We must focus on ALHFAM’s core messages through a vibrant online presence to attract new members and showcase the organization’s role in preserving historic trades, skills, and knowledge.”

The Vice-President is the chair of the Committee on Regional Networking (CORN).

Past-President / Kathy Dickson (Term Expires 2025)

Kathy DicksonKathy is the Director of the Museums and Historic Sites Division with the Oklahoma Historical Society (OHS) where she oversees operations at 25 museums and historical properties across the state. She has served as the president of the Oklahoma Museums Association and the Mountain-Plains Museums Association, and as a board member for ALHFAM. Kathy served as Co-Chair for the 2018 Annual Meeting. Though born in Idaho, Kathy has been in Oklahoma since age 5 which pretty much makes her a native Oklahoman. Kathy started work at the OHS as a seasonal worker right after graduating from college, and they still haven’t been able to get rid of her.

When not working, Kathy enjoys traveling, playing with her four grandkids, knitting, sewing, reading, camping, fishing, playing with natural dyes, spinning—badly, and spending time with her husband of 40+ years. 

Treasurer / Jim McCabe (Term Expires 2026)

In 2021 I retired from The Henry Ford in Dearborn, MI after 28 years of service as Collections Manager and as curator.   I managed a departmental group of around seven staff with a budget of around $700K. I was the primary grant writer for collections stewardship grants, generating over $4M in successful applications. I have been involved with ALHFAM since attending my first conference in 1980.  I have served on the Board, as a regional representative, and as a conference chair for national and regional meetings. I have been active in the CPR PIG and I currently co-chair the Auction Committee.

Secretary / Kevin Lynch (Term Expires 2026)

Kevin Lynch

Kevin is currently the Museum Manager of Historic Brattonsville in South Carolina. During his thirty years in living History, Kevin has worked at multiple museums throughout the Midwest and the South. Kevin previously served on the ALHFAM Board from 2014-16. Most recently, over the last several years, Kevin has worked closely with the descendants of Brattonsville's enslaved community to guide research, develop programs and exhibits, and promote community engagement.

Like no other form of interpretation, living history provides personal experiences that cannot be duplicated. It's one thing to experience a museum exhibit or read a Wikipedia article; it's another to engage a subject with all your senses. Kevin is proud of ALHFAM's ongoing commencement to provisional development that embraces living history in all its forms. Whether it's living History programming, theater, independent performers, or traditional museums, ALHFAM is always there to help.

Directors with Terms Expiring in 2025

Chuck Barr

Chuck BarrAlthough I have had an avid interest in history since I can remember, I was trained to be a family doctor. I first became involved in living history ten years ago, starting as a volunteer, managing the kitchen garden at Colonial Pennsylvania Plantation.  The next year I joined our site’s Board and two years ago, upon retiring, I became Board President. My first experience with ALHFAM was at the MAAHLFAM conference in 2014 at Peter Wentz Farmstead.   I have attended the last two ALHFAM annual conferences virtually and presented on Seedsaving at the 2021 conference. 

ALHFAM has a lot to offer to its members. I believe that diversity and outreach are key issues for our group.  Going forward, we need to increase our efforts to include underrepresented groups and have them play a role in shaping our site’s interpretations to ensure that we practice effective public history.  We also need to encourage and help our sites practice excellent outreach and make it easier for them to use up to date methods of producing content including social media and virtual programming.  This type of programming can be an effective tool to bring the public to us to experience true living history.

Michelle Evans

Michelle Evans

I’ve worked in Interpretation my whole career, first in seasonal positions and now at Conner Prairie, where I’ve worked in Interpretation for more than 35 years.  I’m currently the Domestic Trades Manager, overseeing Foodways, Gardens and Textiles staff.

I began attending ALHFAM and MOMCC meetings not long after I started at Conner Prairie. I have presented sessions at each over the years and written articles for both the ALHFAM proceedings and the MOMCC magazine. I’ve served as a conference coordinator for MOMCC and am on the planning committee for the 2023 ALHFAM at Sauder Village. I consider my involvement with ALHFAM and MOMCC to have been vital to my professional growth. 

Covid has forced us, individually and as organizations, to connect to the world in ways we might not have considered. ALHFAM needs to continue to play a role in helping museums, large and small, negotiate this changing climate. Remote access has allowed us to attend conferences or visits sites that we might never visit in person. ALHFAM can help lead the way for sites as we work together to share knowledge and find best practices that we can carry forward, helping all of us grow stronger.

Jenna Riley

Jenna Riley

Jenna grew up in living history museums; as a child, she attended day camp at Living History Farms in Urbandale, Iowa every year, and still has the hearth broom and toolbox she made. Today, she owns Unusual Manner Museum Services and works as a living history interpreter at Mahaffie Stagecoach Stop & Farm just outside of Kansas City. She has an M.A. in History Museum Studies from the Cooperstown Graduate Program and has worked in leadership roles at Missouri Town Living History Museum (Lee’s Summit, MO), the Arkell Museum (Canajoharie, NY), the Schenectady County Historical Society (Schenectady, NY), and has interned or worked seasonally at The Farmers’ Museum (Cooperstown, NY), Plimoth Plantation (Plymouth, MA), Mystic Seaport (Mystic, CT), and Living History Farms (Urbandale, IA).

Jenna attended her first ALHFAM conference in 2011 at Jackson’s Mill in West Virginia. Although school field trip season and small staff sizes made it difficult for her to attend many annual conferences in the subsequent decade, she’s attended several regional conferences, been an active participant in social media, and has submitted two articles for the Bulletin including an upcoming article on accessibility at Missouri Town Living History Museum. The Fall 2020 edition of the Bulletin even features her oldest daughter, Quinn, on the front cover.


Jennifer Frazee

Jennifer Frazee

Jennifer earned a BA in History and Masters in American Studies (specializing in Native studies and military culture). She serves as the Director of Fort Gibson Historic Site for the Oklahoma Historical Society. Jennifer has experience in living history, interpretation, research, program development, etc. She is also a professor of history at Connors State College, teaching Oklahoma History, U.S. History to 1865, and U.S. History Since 1865. 

History with ALHFAM: She has helped and learned from the organization since 2013. Jennifer was part of the conference committee that hosted the 2014 regional meeting and the 2016 annual meeting, and she’s been educated and enriched at every annual meeting she has attended.

ALHFAM’s most pressing issues and how they may be addressed: 

I grew up understanding the concept of "medicine" as not only healing medically but also non-medically. ALHFAM does this with the preservation of skills and cultural practices. My medicine is the blessing and obligation of caring for history, including that of cultures and cultural practices nearly forgotten, erased, or maligned. The difficulty in interpreting some of this history is one of our most pressing issues. I believe we can address it by helping historians develop tools to interpret all history, including the hard bits, in ways that build and strengthen community. That’s powerful medicine. By teaching skills, crafts, trades, and the history of the cultures they come from, we not only engage public interest, we empower folks to take the care of their own history into their hands.

Sarah Edwards

Sarah Edwards

Sarah is the Interpretation Manager at Heritage Park Historical Village. Sarah first heard of ALHFAM in 2014 and listened to stories from coworkers who attended the conference hosted by Heritage Park in 2014, after which she immediately became a member. Sarah had the opportunity to attend her first conference at Genesee Country Village in 2017, and then to present at the 2019 conference at Sainte-Marie among the Hurons. Sarah is also a member of the PIE, FPI, and Historic Foodways PIGs.

ALHFAM’s most Pressing Issues and how they May be Addressed:

Although not the full ALHFAM experience that everyone loves, the 2020 and 2021 virtual conferences made it financially accessible for many people from an organization to participate in sessions and discussions, opening up the benefits of the conference to many more than usually attend. This was particularly true for frontline and seasonal interpreters, who were able to connect directly to each other and get the full benefit of conference panels and presentations. As travel becomes more expensive and budgets become tighter, it will become more difficult to maintain regular attendance at conferences for more than a few people from each site, and the resultant dissemination of best practices may become more irregular. Finding ways to foster and facilitate those connections across organizations and regions, particularly for new interpreters, and to increase virtual access to national and regional conferences will help lower the financial barrier and increase participation in ALHFAM to keep our organization strong.

Melissa Vickers

Melissa VickersMelissa began at Old Sturbridge Village in 2016. There, she demonstrated early 1800s hearth cooking and taught culinary and domestic history of rural 19th century New England to visitors. Since 2018, she has been employed at Strawbery Banke Museum, where she successfully restructured and led the hearth cooking workshops, including training staff and planning menus. Melissa researched domestic and social content specific to the Puddle Dock area and has interpreted utilizing both 1st and 3rd person techniques.

Melissa joined ALHFAM in 2017. In 2020, she was elected New England Regional Representative, and co-chair of the Historic Foodways P.I.G. She served a two-year term in both positions, and in 2022 was re-elected as co-chair of the Foodways P.I.G. She has worked with its members on many projects, particularly through the Facebook page, to both engage and foster fellowship amongst current members and to also inspire non-members to be more involved in both Historic Foodways, and ALHFAM as a whole.

ALHFAM’s most pressing issues and how they may be addressed:

“As our senior historians begin to retire from their crafts, ALHFAM must document their skills and knowledge, and also facilitate the passing their knowledge to the next generation. In addition to the SKILLS Database, funding hands-on training classes, as well as virtual classes and lectures could aid in this.”

Directors with Terms Expiring in 2027

Cece Otto

For over 10 years I have performed as a “living historian of music” with An American Songline®, an ongoing project I created and operate. It combines my academic training in performance and music history with researching how music has reflected and influenced  American history. I create and perform programs dedicated to a particular historic event or movement and guide the audience with context for the songs as I sing them in period clothing. I’ve also consulted on sheet music or musical ephemera collections for several historic sites.

I was introduced to ALHFAM by Kay Demlow, who was helping me create reproduction clothing for a program. I gave my first presentation in 2018 at the Western regional conference and went on to present every year from 2020 to 2023, where I was able to perform a full-fledged concert. I currently serve as the Western Region representative.

ALHFAM’s most pressing issues and how they may be addressed:

Since the Covid pandemic, museums and historic sites have been losing staff due to budget cuts, retirement, or the increasing use of virtual spaces. And, as awareness grows about people left out of conventional narratives, it is urgent for museums to include the perspective of BIPOC and other marginalized groups. The challenge for AHLFAM is to maintain and grow its membership and help foster a growing community of living history professionals that reflects contemporary audiences’ concerns and preferences. While continuing in its strong legacy of preservation, ALHFAM needs to a) encompass more intangible skills like art, music, and domestic topics; b) increase efforts to recruit and serve independent contractors and consultants; c) recruit BIPOC talent; and d) consider providing resources for mental health support for members tasked with depicting sensitive topics. These efforts will increase membership, provide a renewed sense of purpose to the living history community, and position ALHFAM to better serve its members.

Sigurlaugur Ingolfson

I completed my bachelor’s degree in history with the University of Iceland in 2006. I then went on to graduate as an archaeologist, MA degree, in 2023, from the same university. After leaving university in 2006, I joined the Reykjavik City Museum as a full staff member. I had been a part-time employee with the organisation during my studies. In 2014 the museum amalgamated with other historical museums and sites in Reykjavik, to form a new city museum. I became the project manager for the Árbær museum sector of the City Museum. That sector is an open-air museum, originally founded in 1957, and it is Iceland´s biggest. Apart from my museum work I have also been a volunteer with my local sports club. I became chairman of the club in 2013 and remained in that role for three years. I have also been presented with a gold badge from the Icelandic Volleyball association for volunteer work.

I was fortunate to be nominated as an international fellow with ALHFAM in 2014. I have since attended several Annual Conferences, including the latest in Ohio in 2023.

ALHFAM’s most pressing issues and how they may be addressed:

As an international fellow I have a unique opportunity to view trends in both European and American museum developments. While there are many differences we also struggle with the same dilemmas, and, most importantly, issues with funding and how to remain relevant in an ever-changing world. I think the museums in Europe can learn a great deal from how North American museums have been tackling sensitive issues while museums in North America can also look towards Europe in terms of innovative ways of presenting history. An international fellow from Iceland can perhaps be seen as a bridge between the two continents.

Kimberly Wageman-Prack

I discovered my calling as a youth volunteer at Bent’s Old Fort National Historic Site. Over a four-decade career, I’ve held a variety of positions including National Park Service ranger, lead educator for a private nonprofit, and independent foodways and clothing expert. Currently the Nash Farm Coordinator, I oversee development and implementation of educational programs and special events for three historic areas, and direct the part-time staff and volunteers. In addition to my professional responsibilities, I’ve served on planning committees for events—such as the 50th Anniversary celebration of Bent’s Old Fort NHS and the 2015 Fur Trade Symposium—and served multiple terms on the board of the Texas Living History Association.

My first experience with the ALHFAM was in Farmers Branch, Texas. Since 2012, I’ve participated in every national conference except one and attended numerous regional conferences. I also served as co-chair when Nash Farm hosted the 2019 Joint Mountain Plains/TLHA conference. I led several workshops at national and regional conferences, chaired the HAT PIG, and served as a regional rep for the Mountain-Plains Region. 

Pressing issues facing ALHFAM and how they may be addressed:

A significant challenge for ALHFAM involves attracting new members, including young professionals, seasoned interpreters, and institutions, while retaining the engagement of long-term members. The organization should continue to focus on historical skills and knowledge while broadening its range of expertise. This includes seeking and valuing input from previously marginalized communities, ensuring their contributions are integrated meaningfully.  Furthermore, it is important to acknowledge the frequently overlooked skills and events of the 20th century, which are distant and unfamiliar history to many, both members and those we serve.  To remain relevant ALHFAM must bridge the gap between traditional views of history and a broader scope that includes the recent past by addressing contemporary expectations while upholding our commitment to historical integrity and educational value.


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