Historic Apparel & Textiles (HAT)


The Historic Apparel and Textiles Professional Interest Group - HAT, for short - has a long history of providing support to ALHFAM members in many ways. We try to organize at least one workshop or session at each annual conference and regional meeting; we answer inquiries on the ALHFAM-L, through e-mail and over the phone; we facilitate lively conversation and collections visits. We have also been known to enjoy impromtu "show and tell" sessions!  Sharing research, sharing collections, sharing tailoring techniques and lists of suppliers - we try to help every ALHFAM member develop their knowlege of clothing and textiles however we can.  

If you have questions or ideas for sessions, please post to the ALFAM-L or contact the chair directly.


P.O. Box 308, Arlington, VT. 05250

 - info@alhfam.org

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