Save the dates!
The 2025 ALHFAM Annual Meeting and Conference
June 20 - 25, 2025 in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Strength of Diamonds: Preserving History's Facets, Skills, and Occupations for the Modern Era
Arkansas is home to the only diamond mine in the United States. Diamonds are formed when carbon is subjected to extremely high pressures and temperatures. While some objects may buckle under the kind of pressure it takes for a diamond to form, the carbon atoms come together to form the hardest naturally-occurring substance on earth. As historians, we are under pressure to preserve all facets of history, including the skills and occupations of our ancestors. As living historians and agriculturalists, we are uniquely qualified to pass these skills on to others. As we do this, we come together to form a community of skilled craftspeople that can be bonded like carbon atoms and have the strength of a diamond. Join us in Little Rock in June of 2025 to learn ways to preserve all facets of history, skills and occupations for the modern era and future generations.
Draft of Conference Schedule
Friday, June 20 (Additional Cost)
Evening Pre-Conference Experiences
Saturday, June 21 (Included in Conference Registration)
Sunday, June 22 (Included in Conference Registration)
Monday, June 23 (Included in Conference Registration)
Tuesday, June 24 (Included in Conference Registration)
Hotel reservations can be made now using the link and instructions below; be aware that it defaults to June 18-25 with the link below, but you can edit those dates according to your needs:,WW,HILTONLINK,EN,DirectLink&fromId=HILTONLINKDIRECT
Step by Step Directions:
1. Go to
2. Enter arrival/departure dates
3. Click the "Special Rates" box
4. Enter "90F" in the Group Code box
5. Click the "Check Rooms & Rates" box. The group rate of $139.00 per night is available for Standard King and Double Queen rooms.
6. Guests can also call 1-800-HILTONS and reference the Assn of Living History room block to receive the discount.