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  • 31 Mar 2022 6:53 PM | Anonymous member

    ALHFAM Conference addresses “The Future of the Past”

    Remaining relevant in a fast-paced, technology-driven society can be a challenge for heritage organizations. This June, the Association of Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums (ALHFAM) is hosting its annual meeting in Tacoma, WA to discuss “The Future of the Past.” The conference, hosted by Fort Nisqually in partnership with Metro Parks Tacoma and the Fort Nisqually Foundation, will prioritize discussions about diversity, equity and inclusion at cultural institutions and the role living history will play in future museum interpretation.

    ALHFAM, a professional organization that serves individuals and organizations involved in the collection, preservation or interpretation of material culture, traditional skills, and historical processes, has been at the forefront of the growth and professionalization of the use of living history techniques in museum programs. “Experiential learning – or learning by doing – allows visitors to relate to subject matter in a way that creates deeper meaning,” says Jim Lauderdale, Fort Nisqually Living History Museum Supervisor and Chair of the 2022 ALHFAM Conference. “ALHFAM is guided by its mission to share practical knowledge and skills among those who make history relevant to contemporary lives.”

    The 2022 Conference, its first in-person meeting since 2019, will do just that. Professional development field trips and service projects to regional heritage sites that employ living history and share the stories of diverse communities in the Pacific Northwest are a large focus of the conference. Attendees will visit the Museum of Flight and Klondike Gold Rush National Park in Seattle, the Puyallup Canoe Landing Place and Reservation, the Squaxin Island Museum and Library Research Center, Fort Nisqually Living History Museum and other regional attractions. Sessions and workshops offer discussions on including diverse voices, attracting new audiences, and building innovative programs to serve broad audiences. Scheduled sessions range from discussions on building summer camp programs for immigrant populations, creating museum podcasts, the history of transgender populations in the West, to restoring heirloom crops.

    Annual traditions are also returning, allowing attendees to reconnect and socialize with one another. The Smoked, Salted and Pickled Reception features member-prepared cured, preserved, and pickled foods, the annual Fashion Show highlights period clothing, and the Ploughing Competition brings interpreters and livestock together to plow Fort Nisqually Living History Museum’s heritage wheat field using traditional techniques.

    Early Bird registration for the 2022 Conference is now open for both ALHFAM members and non-members. Attendees can choose from single day and full conference registration. Information can be found at

  • 15 Mar 2022 9:22 AM | ALHFAM Webmaster (Administrator)

    ALHFAM has hired a new webmaster and membership coordinator, Karen Rainsong. Karen lives in Eugene, Oregon and has been a member of ALHFAM for 5 years. She is the Executive Director of Singing Creek Educational Center in Cottage Grove, Oregon, where history comes to life for kids and families.

    Welcome, Karen!

  • 16 Dec 2021 11:00 AM | ALHFAM Webmaster (Administrator)

    The 2022 Virtual Plowing Match

    **The Virtual Plowing Match has been cancelled for 2022.****

    Building on the virtual ALHFAM plowing competition launched in 2021, the Farm PIG invites entries for the 2022 Virtual Plowing Match from individual ALHFAM members or staff/volunteers at ALHFAM institutional member sites. We invite entries from all locations and using varied plowing practices to enter.

    The 2022 Virtual Plowing Match is in addition to the traditional ALHFAM Plowing Match that take place during the 2022 Annual Conference in Tacoma, WA, June 23-28.

    Learn More

  • 23 Nov 2021 10:50 PM | ALHFAM Webmaster (Administrator)

    The Central Canada region has just announced it's 2021-2022 Winter Webinar Series. Registration is open for the December 15 webinar.

    Learn more and register here

  • 28 Sep 2021 2:19 PM | ALHFAM Webmaster (Administrator)

    Click Image Below to Explore

  • 18 Aug 2021 3:03 PM | ALHFAM Webmaster (Administrator)

    ALHFAM Historic Farming is proud to support “A Year on the Field” project as a partner with farmers across the globe to study wheat this growing season.



    Join us for our "A Year On The Field" project and become part of a unique, global study with friends and colleagues from many areas of interest!


    Our main questions for the project:

    1) How is wheat grown in different regions of the world and how have the cultivation methods changed over the centuries?

    2) What varieties were (and are) cultivated, and what wheat products do we know of?


    We are looking for:

    - farmers

    - museums

    - living history farms

    - archaeological open-air museums

    who document all steps of wheat cultivation and processing with us for a year on site


    We are also looking for:

    - Scientists

    - Collection staff

    - Bakers

    who want to provide us with insights into individual aspects of wheat cultivation, varieties and final wheat products through the centuries


    Our goals (and passion):

    - to enable a global exchange on the historical methods of cultivation and harvest, regional and era differences, of wheat

    - current importance of wheat in current culture or historical recipes

    - to promote regional, national, and international networking of museums, research and producers

    - to create an increased public attention for sustainable cultivation methods through intensive reporting in word, image and film

    - to strengthen the importance of museums in public discourse and agriculture


    Incorporate this project in your daily routines, include school projects, students and volunteers to split the work load and to intensify public engagement.


    For your information:

    How much time does the project take?

    The pilot phase will initially run for a year, to begin in autumn 2021. You will plant and cultivate as normal. You need only create regular documentation, which will take less than an hour per week, and submit to the project.


    Would you like to participate?

    Then get in touch as soon as possible at:  Claus Kropp

  • 19 Jul 2021 3:51 PM | ALHFAM Webmaster (Administrator)

    Submit a workshop or session proposal for the 2022 SEALHFAM Conference, History in the Making, to be held at the Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum, in Jackson, Mississippi, February 18-20, 2022. Submissions are due September 1.

    View and Download the Call for Proposals Here

  • 21 Jun 2021 2:50 PM | ALHFAM Webmaster (Administrator)

    Call for Workshop & Session Proposals

    What is YOUR vision for The Future of the Past? We solicit your proposals for workshops and sessions that address diversity, equity, and inclusion at cultural institutions and the role living history will play in future museum interpretation. The conference committee is planning two full days of workshops and will prioritize workshops over sessions.

    Proposals deadline: December 15, 2021

    Questions?: Please email

    Download the Call for Workshop & Session Proposals  

  • 29 Apr 2021 2:51 PM | ALHFAM Webmaster (Administrator)

    We want to know how increased safety and health-related codes and regulations from local, state and federal governments are affecting visitor experiences, interpretation and programs at your site. How are policies and procedures related to insurance provisions changing how living history, reenactments and daily interpretation takes place? What precautions, training and certifications are becoming commonplace? We'd love for you to share your valuable lessons and case studies for the good of our profession and safety of our sites, staff and visitors.

    Submissions are due June 14. General guidelines can be found here. For further information, contact Katie Boardman.

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