ALHFAM’s First Virtual Plowing Match
ALHFAM will hold their first Virtual Plowing Match for the 2021 Conference, hosted by the FARM Professional Interest Group. This event is meant to be fun and is designed for any ALHFAM member, however experienced. Acknowledging that entrants will come from different sites with different resources, the judges will endeavor to take into account entrants’ ground, ability and equipment; including the type of plow used and the plowing for which it was intended.
Each entrant should plow an ideally level plot of no less than 50 feet but, if possible, should aim for a minimum of 100 feet or 30 meters in length. There is no maximum length of plot but the same rules will apply.
The judges will award a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place winner in each category: Oxen Beginner; Oxen Experienced; Equine-assisted Beginner; Equine-assisted Experienced; Equine-Unassisted; and Tractor. The winners will be announced and edited clips from the 1st Place winners’ submissions will be presented during the virtual conference. Ribbons, purchased by the FARM PIG, will be distributed at a later date.
The FARM PIG would like to encourage participation in this match by as many members as possible. If you are an Institutional Member interested in hosting members who are not attached to a site with draft animals, tractor, plow, land, or the necessary equipment, please email Jim Lauderdale. Likewise, members without said animals and equipment may contact the former, who will attempt to match interested members with host sites. Individual Members must comply with all operating policies of the Institutional Member site.
All entries should be submitted by May 10, 2021 and should be sent HERE.
For more guidance information, visit
Questions about plowing entries may be directed to Bob Powell.