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  • 14 Dec 2015 3:28 PM | Deleted user

    The New ALHFAM Website & Membership Management System

    This Fall ALHFAM began a new chapter in the way we communicate and interact with our membership. The most obvious change is visible through our redesigned and reorganized website. But the really big change will be the way you, as a member, will be able to manage your own membership profile and the way in which ALHFAM will communicate with you about your membership status. With this new system, we will communicate with you increasingly via email: Your membership reminders, renewal invoices, event registrations, etc., will come directly to you as email communications.

    To help members with this change, and to continue to assist you, we have started a seven-month "training" series about the new membership system and the features of the new website. There will be a link in each upcoming eUpdate that will take you to a Membership Management System Information Sheet, each of which will provide you with the information you will need to know in order work with this exciting new membership system. The FAQ sheet will be continually updated as new question arise.

    How To Use the New ALHFAM Website & MMS
    Website & MMS FAQs
    Website & MMS Info Sheet #1- Membership Bundles
    Website & MMS Info Sheet #2 - Member Profiles & Membership Directories
    Website & MMS Info Sheet #3 - ALHFAM On-line Forums


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