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Teamster with cattle for hire

  • 09 Dec 2023 7:07 PM
    Message # 13289202
    Deleted user

    I am looking for a teamster or husbandry position where I would be able to bring my 6 year old team of well trained milking shorthorn oxen starting Winter or Spring of 2024.

    I have 10+ years of experience working and training oxen on the farm, in the woods, and for the public.  3 years of experience using well broke draft horses to hay, plow, and give wagon rides. 

    I have experience working with dairy cattle and poultry as well as growing grains, row crops, and producing hay with draft horses and oxen.  Also familiar with sorghum production for syrup making and maple syrup production.  Most equipment was from 1900-1920, although some modern live power equipment was also used.   I have farmed in New England and in the Upper Midwest but I'm open to expanding my horizons.

    I am most interested in a position where I would be able to do real work, be it logging, farming, haying, carting things (or humans) around with draft animals.  Bonus points if I could learn about trimming and shoing oxen or making and using head yokes.  I have very basic blacksmithing skills. 

    I like interesting challenges and trying new things. 

    Happy to provide a formal resume and references and/or also to chat on the telephone.  My email is hitchpointfarm@gmail.com

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

    8 files

P.O. Box 308, Arlington, VT. 05250 - info@alhfam.org

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