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Black Lives Matter Statement

22 Jun 2020 10:36 AM | ALHFAM Webmaster (Administrator)

The Association for Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums stands in solidarity with black communities across the globe in saying, Black Lives Matter. They mattered in the past; they matter now, and they will matter tomorrow. No one should ever be made to feel less or live in fear because of the color of their skin. We ask our member institutions to guard against institutional and structural racism and to continue to teach the difficult parts of history to challenge preconceptions and to increase awareness. As an organization we have been complacent in not actively reaching out to diverse populations to find ways to support their professional growth and encourage their participation and leadership within the organization. Looking to the future, we seek input from new voices as work begins to address our organizational weaknesses.   


P.O. Box 308, Arlington, VT. 05250 - info@alhfam.org

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