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ALHFAM & ALHFAMers in The News

21 Jan 2016 10:30 PM | Deleted user

The list of ALHFAM members, both individuals and institutions, is literally to long to include here. So you will need to see the NPR story, American History Lives: A Story Of The People, By The People, For The People for yourself. In the middle of the on-line story, ALHFAM itself gets a direct reference with a link to our website.See the photographs of ALHFAM's own Ron Carnegie ringing the opening bell on the NSADAQ Stock Exchange, Jan. 21, 2016. In his role as George Washington for ALHFAM institutional member Colonial Williamsburg, Ron captured, and commanded Times Square.

The February, 2016 issue of Early American Life magazine features a "People Profile-Drawing With Scissors" of ALHFAM member Lauren Muney, along with an historical background on silhouettes.

ALHFAM and several of it member institutions got great press and promotion in a December 2, 2015 on-line story by mnn - Mother Nature Network , called 12 time-rewinding living history farms.

MassLive.com published a December 7, 2015 story about Old Sturbridge Village's "non-period" approach to celebrating Christmas. ALHFAM President Tom Kelleher is the OSV spokesperson in the online article.

The Institute for Museum and Library Services recently announced it will provide ALHFAM member Monticello with nearly $300,000 through its National Leadership Grants for Museums program to fund a three-year study to assess the effectiveness of teacher education programs at historic sites. Read More about it in this WVIR-TV/NBC online news report.

Holland, Michigan’s resident miller, author and our own ALHFAM board member, Alisa Crawford was featured in an NPR/WMUK story on December 4, 2015. Read and/or Listen to the Story.

ALHFAMer Lauren Muney participated in the making (and had some screen time as well) of the film Silhouette Secrets, which won Best Documentary at NIFF Houston (USA) Film Festival, and was selected for consideration for Best Documentary at Marbella (Spain) Film Festival.

Yankee Magazine partner New England Inns & Resorts has named ALHFAM member institutions Plimoth Plantation, Old Sturbridge Village and Mystic Seaport the "Best Living History Museums in New England". And it looks like ALHFAM member Rebecca Gross in the cover photo.

An article in the Williamsburg Yorktown Daily about the illumination of historic buildings notes that Gen. George Washington, AKA our own ALHFAMer Ron Carnegie, will lead the ceremony of the first night lighting of four of their most iconic structures.

ALHFAMer Deb Freidman appears in the on-line magazine Eater In their story "What is Marlborugh Pie?"  they reference her earlier interview that was included in John T. Edge's book Apple Pie

P.O. Box 308, Arlington, VT. 05250 - info@alhfam.org

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