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  • Feeding the Unseen: a Virtual Presentation by Michael W. Twitty

Feeding the Unseen: a Virtual Presentation by Michael W. Twitty

  • 07 Nov 2024
  • 7:00 PM (EST)


  • (includes a 1-year individual membership to ALHFAM, valued at $40)

The ALHFAM Historic Foodways Professional Interest Group (P.I.G.) is pleased to announce they will be hosting an upcoming virtual presentation, Feeding the Unseen, by author and culinary historian Michael W. Twitty. Tickets are available for both members and non-members of ALHFAM, and registration is now open!

On November 7, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. (EST), registrants will join itinerant living history professional and culinary historian Michael W. Twitty in a 90-minute conversation about his work interpreting the world of the enslaved and free people of color, via their own foodways and those prepared for others. We will discuss strategies on how to integrate the conversation and add detailed interpretation into sites and museum work for a more enriching experience for all.

Ticket prices:
$20 – ALHFAM Members (you must be logged into the ALHFAM site to purchase)
$30 – Non-members
$55 – Non-members (includes a 1-year individual membership to ALHFAM, valued at $40)

Those attending are encouraged to submit questions for Mr. Twitty to Historic Foodways Co-Chair Melissa Vickers (melissa.vickers@alhfam.org) by October 31st. Can’t be there for the live airing? The entire presentation and Q&A session will be recorded and made available to all registrants for two weeks following the event!

About the Speaker

Michael W. Twitty is an African-American Jewish writer, culinary historian, and educator. He is the author of The Cooking Gene, which won the 2018 James Beard Foundation Book Award for Book of the Year as well as the category for writing. His third book, Kosher Soul, was published in 2022 and was the first book by a Black author awarded the National Jewish Book Award. Twitty has made appearances on Andrew Zimmern's Bizarre Foods America, Taste the Nation with Padma Laskshmi, Netflix's High on the Hog and Many Rivers to Cross with Dr. Henry Louis Gates on PBS.

Books by Michael W. Twitty

  • The Cooking Gene: A Journey Through African American Culinary History in the Old South
  • Rice: a Savor the South cookbook
  • Koshersoul: The Faith and Food Journey of an African American Jew

Mr. Twitty’s books are available for purchase on Amazon.


P.O. Box 308, Arlington, VT. 05250 - info@alhfam.org

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