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  • Catherine Parr Traill on Enjoying and Surviving a Canadian Winter

Catherine Parr Traill on Enjoying and Surviving a Canadian Winter

  • 12 Jan 2022
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Online

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catherine parr traill on enjoying and surviving a canadian winter


  • Open to ALHFAM members only
  • There will be no cost but pre-registration is required. 
  • 7-8pm Eastern
  • Brought to you by the ALHFAM Central Canada region as part of their 2021-2022 Winter Webinar Series. 
Traill’s writings both public and private deal with the many joys and tribulations of the wintery backwoods in early Canada. As usual, she had practical advice for her readers, from maintaining a yeast supply to choosing a parlour stove to sewing a warm cloak. She reveals much about bottling, pickling, smoking and hunting foods for the mid-nineteenth century pantry, then making winter meals. Her how-to advice benefited many immigrants unprepared for the cold and ice, as she had been once unprepared, but she also came to love the sparkling snow.

P.O. Box 308, Arlington, VT. 05250 - info@alhfam.org

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