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  • Historic Blacksmithing Technique: Steeling Tool Faces with Sean Stoughton

Historic Blacksmithing Technique: Steeling Tool Faces with Sean Stoughton

  • 10 Mar 2021
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Online

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Historic Blacksmithing technique: Steeling Tool faces

with Sean Stoughton

  • Open to ALHFAM members only
  • There will be no cost but pre-registration is required. 
  • 7-8pm Eastern
  • Brought to you by the ALHFAM Central Canada region as part of their 2020-2021 Winter Webinar Series. 

In this workshop, presenter Sean Stoughton of the Ken Seiling Waterloo Region Museum (Kitchener, ON) will demonstrate how to forge tools made from mild steel or wrought iron with hardenable steel faces. This style of tool making has been used by blacksmiths from antiquity to modern day in order to create durable iron tools without requiring large amounts of the more valuable and less forgiving steel needed for hard and sharp tool faces. This workshop will cover creating a wrought iron cross-pein hammer with steel faces on both sides, and if time allows will include replacing the steel blade of an axe head.


P.O. Box 308, Arlington, VT. 05250 - info@alhfam.org

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