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Beginner Blacksmithing
Details: Blacksmithing skills were required to run any farm of size, and still are! Join us on Sunday, March 29th from 12:00pm to 3:00pm for a 'farmers class' in blacksmithing where you will learn the basics of blacksmithing and understand the role of blacksmithing on an 18th century farm. The workshop will cover safety at the forge, how to start a fire and work the blower, where the fuel and iron came from in the 18th century, how to heat metal and use the color to determine when the metal is ready to be forged, and practice the basic techniques on working with metal. Each student will spend some time using hammer, anvil, and bench vice to make an "S" hook or a "turn screw" to take home with them at the conclusion of the class. Our instructor is Chris Reardon.
Space is limited to 8 participants who must be aged 14 and up.
Price: $35 Members; $40 General Public
Registration and more information
Contact info: Phone: 610-566-1725
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