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  • 19th Century Cooking Techniques

19th Century Cooking Techniques

  • 13 Jun 2020
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Buffalo Niagara Heritage Village, 3755 Tonawanda Creek Road, Amherst, NY, 14228

19th Century Cooking Techniques

Details: Spend the day beside one of our knowledgeable culinary interpreters! Learn about 19th century ingredients, equipment, methods of cooking, receipts (recipes), and much more. Participants will get an opportunity to cook in both our beehive oven and on our cookstove.

Space is limited to 10 participants. Participants must wear closed-toe shoes, cotton/natural fiber clothing, and dress for the weather. Participants are highly encouraged to bring an apron and wear a long sleeve cotton tee shirt, to protect their arms and clothing while working on the stove. Don’t forget to bring a container for leftovers!

Price: $80 BNHV Members / $90 General Public

Registration and more information: www.bnhv.org

Contact infoPhone: (716) 689-1440 /  Email: edu@bnhv.org


P.O. Box 308, Arlington, VT. 05250 - info@alhfam.org

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