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Piecing and Quilting

  • 03 May 2020
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Old Sturbridge Village, 1 OSV Road, Sturbridge, MA 01566

Piecing and Quilting

Details: Practice different piecing techniques- paper or template, 9-patch, and applique. Layer, baste and begin quilting a mini “whole-cloth” quilt (suitable for a table mat or doll’s quilt). Historical background included.

Price: $105 museum members; $130 nonmembers      + $5 materials fee

Registration and more information: https://www.osv.org/event/historical-craft-classes/

Contact info: Derek Heidemann dheidemann@OSV.ORG  tel. 508-347-0214


P.O. Box 308, Arlington, VT. 05250 - info@alhfam.org

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