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Plowing Workshop for ALHFAM Members

  • 07 Sep 2019
  • 8:00 AM
  • 08 Sep 2019
  • 4:00 PM
  • Tillers International, 10515 OP Avenue E., Scotts, MI, 49088
  • 2


Plowing Workshop for ALHFAM Members

Sponsored by ALHFAM and Tillers International

Location: Tillers International, 10515 OP Avenue E., Scotts, MI, 49088 
Date: September 7 and 8, 2019
Cost: $150 includes lodging and most meals (details will be sent to registrants). A kitchen is available.

Limited to 10 participants only 

You must be an ALHFAM member to register. 

Registration ends August 24, 2019 

This is the farming opportunity that you have been waiting for! An intensive and immersive fully-hands-on and brains-on workshop with the goal of developing the knowledge and ability to safely conduct plowing at historic sites in a skillful and professional manner. Participants will walk away from this workshop truly understanding how to plow, or having refined their plowing techniques at the master training facility: Tillers International. 

This exceptional price is a special deal for ALHFAM  members only

Instruction includes:
  • Historical context of the walking moldboard plow.
  • Field readiness and layout.
  • Plow adjustment.
  • Use of draft animals (horses and oxen), tack, and hitching.
  • Proper plowing techniques and correction of problems.
  • The critical importance of skill development and preservation in historically accurate programming. 

Lodging is in Tillers' neo-rustic dorm-style rooms onsite with two to four beds per room. Each bedroom has its own bathroom and access to the kitchen and dining area. There is no a/c; bring a fan if the weather is hot.

For more information about the workshop, contact: Ed Schultz, STP Workshop Development Manager: eschultz@cwf.org.

P.O. Box 308, Arlington, VT. 05250 - info@alhfam.org

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