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ALHA/Southeast ALHFAM-2019 Annual Conference "The Future of the Past"
February 22-24, 2019 Historic Arkansas Museum, Little Rock, AR
The 2019 SEALHFAM Conference will be held jointly with the Arkansas Living History Association at Historic Arkansas Museum in Little Rock, Arkansas. The theme is "The Future of the Past: Historical Interpretation in an Ever-Changing Modern World." Early Bird Registration ends January 25th, and final Registration will close by Friday, February 8th.
For hotel information, program, and to register go to
You can download the scholarship application here.
ALHFAM Members click on the registration field that says “ALHFAM Member”. Please use Registration Code “SEALHFAM” when registering for the conference.
Questions? Contact Joleen Linson at
You can find more information, check out the program booklet, and register for the conference here.
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